MINDFUL | 5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind
5 Ways to Relieve Anxiety


Our daily routine can often feel like a vicious cycle of work, bills, chores, and obligations that never fully get finished. When we get stuck in this loop, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and worry, which negatively impact our physical, mental, and emotional health. Rather than harboring these feelings, we can take action to reduce and give ourselves some grace. Today, I am sharing the best routines to declutter your mind.

Routines to Declutter Your Mind

#1: Declutter Your Space

A messy physical environment often intensifies that sense of chaos in the mind. Therefore, the first step to declutter your mind is to declutter your space. It doesn’t need to be all at once; you can organize one room at a time until you achieve a sense of organization that works best for you. Once complete, you simply need to maintain the order.

#2: Set Intentional Scheduling

Multi-tasking and a lost list of to-dos can stress the mind. Rather than trying to do 15 things at once, it is better to set a schedule where you tackle each project individually until they are all completed. I recommend creating an intentional calendar that schedules all of your daily tasks, from work to family to me-time.

#3: Limit Distractions

Outside distractions like social media pinging on your phone and spouses unable to find their keys can slow down your productivity. If you work from home or need quiet time to accomplish a task, I recommend limiting your distractions. Turn off the phone, put a “do not disturb” sign on the door, and create a distraction-free zone for yourself. I realize this may be hard for working parents, but after having gone through quarantine, I hope you and your spouse or family members step into to give you the much needed breather.

#4: Untangle the Mind

Our minds can often be like a beehive, a thousand ideas buzzing around. Occasionally, those thoughts can sting, and if we don’t let them out, they act more like wasps, stinging again and again. An excellent routine to declutter your mind and let out those painful thoughts is by writing them down. Whether you want to write an idea list, a word association, or keep a daily journal, I encourage you to spend 5 to 20 minutes a day writing your thoughts down on paper. 

#5: Take Time to Relax

Living in a “work to live” society often leaves us with little free time to rest. I challenge you to step out of that expectation and take time to relax. Even if it is 10 minutes a day, a few peaceful minutes can allow you that pause you need to declutter your mind. Therefore, make a point to schedule “me time” into your calendar, whether reading a book, going for a walk, or just lighting a candle and taking a few deep breaths.

Ready to take a step towards rejuvenation? Shop the clean and citrus scents, Clarity, Spa Day, and Self-Care Sunday to achieve a restful state.


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